Sunday, January 5, 2014

day 2 & day 3,

Apparently my attempts to daily blog were short-lived seeing as I have already failed. Oops. But, I mean, who's perfect anyway?

To be honest, this weekend has just been hectic. Our landlord sent us a sweet "Happy Holidays" email only to follow it up with an "I'm raising your rent by 1/3 of what you're currently playing" email. She's a sweetheart, eh?

So, we've been attempting to look for a new apartment while trying to maintain a semi clean home- which we've learned is nearly impossible with a small child. I literally cleaned the entire house, including bleaching all tile/sink/bath stuffs, and did all the laundry (eight loads-- yes, I said EIGHT) only to come home today to a home that looks like a tornado ran through it. TWO DAYS. Two days is all it took for my house to go from sparkling to a disaster zone. C'est la vie, right?

well, actually it's right but is it okay for me to be pissed about it? Because I am. Not necessarily pissed, but just in shock. How does that even happen?! I lived in a sorority house for a year and that didn't even get messy that fast. Basically what I'm trying to say is my house gets messier faster than a frat house.

Okay, fine. I'm being dramatic. My mama did always say I should have been an actress because of how much drama I put into things. Hollywood, here I come! I can already see my name on the walk of fame.

Alright, I'm done with that day dream, haha. Back to what I was really here to blog about... my second and third day of gratitude!

Even if it gets messier than a frat house and even if the shine and sparkles don't even last an entire week, I am grateful to just simply have a home.

Living in Los Angeles (county) and less than a mile from the beach, it's easy to forget how truly lucky you are to have basic human needs. Food. Shelter. Clean water. Three things that millions of the people around the world have never known, and most likely will never know.

So, for these two days, I am extremely grateful to have a home. A place I can kick my shoes off, turn on the heater and take a nice hot shower while listening to music out of my brand new iPhone. Simple things that I take for granted that people in other parts of the world day dream about their entire lives.

It's realizations like this that make me feel so small in the big scheme of things. So small and so insanely blessed.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

day one, kinda.

are you kitten me right meow?

seeing as today is the 2nd, it's technically not the first day of the year, but FREAK IT. i do what i want. sometimes.

the overload of cuteness above is my daughter. we are semi-twinning in black&cheetah print to celebrate the first day of 2014! so, naturally, she is my number one on my year of gratitude. i can't even begin to explain how much i love this little nugget. although i never imagined myself to be a 22-year-old mother i literally could not imagine my life any other way. at just 7 months old (as of tomorrow) she has brought more joy to my life than i thought possible. her smile, her laughs, her cuddles and her desire to soak in the world inspires me to be better than i was the day before.

i know that God has a plan for me, and i'm slowly learning to stop doubting Him but instead to trust that He has a reason for everything. i don't know why he allowed me to give birth to this beautiful little human but i can't express enough how grateful i am that He did.

everything i do this year,and every year following, is for her.

i love you, Paisley!

did you miss me?

huh? did ya, did ya? did all of my zero followers miss me? haha!

no but really... its been quite some time since i've posted. who do i think i am just leaving my blog like that. pft. amateur.

well, for starters, Happy New Year b!$h3z! time for unrealistic resolutions and diets that last a few hours until you realize how got-damn hungover you are and how you are in literal need of the greasiest meal you can find. or was that just me? just kidding. i wasn't hungover, i just can't say no to food. danggggggit.

anyway, so i haven't decided what crazy goals i'm setting for this year yet, but i have decided that 2013 was absolutely wonderful and i'm not sure how i feel about it already being gone. i mean it just flew right on by. am i right or am i right? all i know is that this year im going to attempt to run a half marathon -- or a full if im feeling really insane-- in honor of my late father! YEE! im excited. and scared. and out of shape. but mostly excited and out of shape.

so wish this mama luck, because she'll need it!
a lot.

oh, i have also decided i would really like to blog every day, even if it's only a short entry. i have this awesome idea that if i do this and include something positive each day, then whenever im feeling upset, overwhelmed, impatient or unworthy (which, lets face it, as a SAHM sometimes happens more often than you'd like) then i can look back to my blog and be easily reminded of all the wonderful happenings in my life that i tend to forget about.

maybe it's wishful thinking and maybe i'm a dreamer... but i'm not the only one.
see what i did there? ;D

okay, im rambling. laundry has taken a toll on me tonight. because it's definitely not the beers i've been chugging while doing said laundry.

good day my loves!
whoever you are...