Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Whole World.

Reminiscing over photos of my little nugget while sitting on the couch tonight and enjoying a glass of Merlot.

While scrolling through the masses upon masses of cute snapshots I take on a daily basis, I started humming an old song that randomly popped into my head. Now when I say old, I mean 7-year-old baby Chey singing it during Sunday School kind of old. This ancient song is "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands." I don't know who sings it, so don't ask. All I know is that I was absolutely obsessed with it while growing up and literally sang it all day everyday.

Now, I don't know if it's some crazy coincidence or if the universe was speaking to me, but how random for this song to come up tonight. You can only imagine how singing these lyrics while looking at old pictures of my tiny little Paisley just struck my emotional mom chord- I'm sure that glass of Merlot didn't help my wacky hormones either.

While humming, I realized that when I held her I truly had the whole world in my hands. I'm not sure how something that weighs as much as my milk-filled boobs can take over my entire world, but I am glad she has.

Being a new mother is nowhere near as hard as I thought it would be, it's a million and four times harder. But one glance at my Paisley reminds me that these sleepless nights, helpless days and mountains of laundry are completely and utterly worth the true love and happiness I get from being a mother to such a beautiful little girl.

mama googz.

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