Friday, November 22, 2013


You know how all the old timers tell you, "Oh, just wait until you have a baby. Your entire life will change."? Yeah... well, they were being 100% serious.

Time to yourself. Time with others. Friendships. Relationships. Bank account. Etc. Everything changes. Some for the better, some not. But it really makes you realize that these old timers actually knew what they were talking about and maybe next time you should listen a little better when they have something to say.

Not saying that this beautiful little babe isn't worth it, because God knows I can't imagine my life without my daughter. I'm just saying that even though change is inevitable, a baby fast-forwards and multiplies that change by 10.

Of course your wallet takes the biggest hit. I mean, come on. Who knew that a jumper for a 5-month-old baby would cost you one hundred dollars. Like, what? You want me to spend a bill on ONE toy that she'll use for maybe a few months? Pft.

Although, Alex and I kind of lucked out at our baby shower and got almost all of our baby necessities as gifts. Yes, including diapers. At almost six months old, we still haven't bought any diapers or wipes for our nugget. WOO!

But beyond the money and beyond the time spent changing diapers. Beyond the never-ending breastfeeding or endless amounts of baby laundry. Beyond all of the superficial things, the biggest change has happened within myself. I went from a sorority girl who drank five nights of the week and rarely attended classes to currently sitting at home on a Friday night getting a head start on a paper due in two weeks. I honestly don't thinkl I've ever voluntarily sat down on a weekend night just to do homework for the heck of it.

Who am I? I am Paisley's mother. I am her teacher. I am her everyday playmate. I am her source of nutrition and I am her safety blanket. I am the one she wakes up to and the one she goes to sleep with. I am her everything.

But she... She is all that and more. She is my rock. She is my best friend. She is my heart beating outside of my body. She is the epitome of beauty, love and all things wonderful. She is my daily blessing. She is the best part of me.

There is no day that I'd rather be popping bottles instead of pumping bottles. There is no day that I'd rather be shopping for myself instead of shopping for her. There is no day that I'd rather spend time with friends instead of watching her grow like a weed. There is no day where I would choose my past over what she has brought to my present and my future.

My heart is full, my mornings are brighter and my love seems to be overflowing. Paisley has completely changed my life and I can't imagine how I was ever able to live it any other way.

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