Saturday, November 30, 2013

oh my.

You know those days where you wouldn't mind jumping out of your bedroom window and belly flopping onto the ground?

Ya. Today was one of those days.

Well, actually... It was a good day with a few bad moments. But those moments. Ohhh, those few moments almost had me yanking my hair out. One strand at a time.

Paisley is either going through a growth spurt or a tooth will be popping through soon *crossing my fingers* but she literally was doing this crying whine all day.


This morning was my better half of the day because I woke up like a damn champ. I was so ready to kick the day's ass.

Crying? No problem.

I was basically SuperMom this morning. But then the afternoon hit and i was exhausted.

Dead. Tired.

So tired, in fact, that I fell asleep for 20 minutes when I sat on the ground to change Paisley's diaper. I woke up to her crawling on my legs with a nakey little hiney. I really hope she didn't pittle anywhere...oops.


Anytime I sat her down she just started screaming. Why Paisley? Whyyyy.

And then we attempted to set up a mini photo studio in our tiny excuse for a living room which was... crowded. Besides it being insanely cramped you would think that after a few hours of grumpy baby yelling we wouldn't decide to sit her down for a photo shoot right before nap time, right? Wrong. Freakin newbs. Let's just say that ended quick.

But we did get some insanely cute pictures so it was a semi-victory.

So ya. Basically there was just a lot of whining followed by exhaustion and ending with SuperMom on her knees pleading with a 14 pound child to replace her cries with a smile.

Pathetic? Maybe.
Necessary? Definitely.

After the seemingly endless cycle, Paisley decided to put herself to sleep for the night without even a peep of dissatisfaction. My begging and pleading finally paid off.

Whether she pitied me or simply was just tired... I owe her one for taking it easy on me in her last moments before Dreamland.

Thank you, you sweet little angel (who sometimes fancies devil horns over a halo)

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